Margaret Mary Platt
Contributed by Richard Bradley |
Margaret Mary was born September 12, 1893, at Papa and Mama's home near Scott City, Kansas, while Papa was lined up to make the run for their claim of a homestead in Oklahoma at noon on September 16th.. Mary died on December 20, 1895 at the Homestead while Papa was again away on a trip. One report has it that she died of typhoid, but another says diptheria. Papa had made her a crib out of redbud switches, and a neighbor put a wagon sheet in it and put little Mary's body in and filled it with snow. Buck Cave packed the crib in a snowbank to preserve it until Papa could get home and give her a proper funeral and burial on the homestead. Such was life on the frontier. At some later time, she was reinterred at the Odd Fellows Cemetery near Maramec, Oklahoma. |