Campaign & Legislation
Three Terms in the State Legislature from 1910
Legislation proposed by Charles C. Platt, State Representative

From Payne County, Oklahoma

#93 Platt & Hartenbower. An Act regulating the sale and defining agricultural planting seeds, providing a standard of purity for such seeds, requiring their proper labeling, and providing penalties for the violation of this act. 1st 376, 2nd 392

HB #245 Platt. An Act to prohibit boxing matches, sparring matches, or prize fighting, amending chap. 23, Article 45, Sec 2567 & 2568. Revised laws of Oklahoma, 1910

#176 Platt. An Act prohibiting the use of motor vehicles w/o owners consent, and providing a penalty. 1st 433, 2nd 448, com 485 Calendar 487. Printed & placed on calendar.

#177 Platt. An Act to prevent the defacing or removing of identification marks on motor vehicles, and providing a penalty. 1st 433, 2nd 448. Com 485.

#225 Platt. An Act providing for highway license on Motor vehicles, making a certificate necessary, and restricting indiscriminate sales of gasoline, oil, accessorites and supplies, providing a penalty.
#278 44th legislative Day, Feb. 14, 1917
Platt and Hartenbower (Democrat Stillwater). An Act making an appropriation for salaries, support and maintenance and improvements of the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, located at Stillwater, OK. 1st 521, 2nd 531 com 566 roll call 871. House Bill #278 was placed on third reading and final passage.

#275 Platt. An Act to tax automobile as other property is taxed.

#323 Platt. An Act providing for a certificate from the Highway Department and making the same necessary, restraining indiscriminate sale of gasoline, oil and accessories and automobile supplies, providing a penalty and declaring an emergency. 1st 561, 2nd 575, com 597, 878.

#331 Platt. An Act providing for highway license on motor vehicles and number plate, and repealing Section1, Chapter 17, Session Laws of 1916. 1st 562, 2nd 575, com 879.